Water right your indoor plants...!

Everyone love to have plants and trees around. Beyond having them in outdoor garden, most of you may like to have some plants inside your house or office space as well. There are many challenges when it comes to growing plants inside than growing plants in the exterior environment which you may have already experienced.

Especially indoor plants which are grown in pots by disconnecting it from usual growing conditions outdoor. Identifying the optimum quantity of water is critical problem you will find when it comes to interior planting. It’s a common question for most of plant lovers how to water right their plants. Here are some tips where to put more water and where to put less.

Water more

Plants which are native to wet areas
Large leaved plants
Flowering indoor plants
Plants placed in small pots
Thin leaved plants
Plants placed at direct sun light
Actively growing plants
Plants grown in clay pots

Water less

Recently potted plants
Plants with thick leaves
Plants grown in high humidity
Plants grown in cool room(s)
Plants potted in non-porous containers
Dormant plants
Plants grown in water retaining medium/mix




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