Spread peace in your home…!

Peace lilies have got its common name; peace lily; for its white flowers which rise above its foliage like white flags for peace. Even though it’s common name is peace lily it’s not related to true lilies.

NASA clean air study has revealed that peace lilies clean the indoor air of certain contaminants such as benzene and formaldehyde. They have included it in the top ten house plant for air cleaning plants
And it’s an easy maintenance house plants.

Pease lilies live its best in shade and require little sunlight. To bloom it requires bright, indirect sunlight but not harsh sun. It’s adequate to water once a week and the soil is best left moist until the next watering. In many cases if the plants are not getting flowers the plants may not getting enough light. If the flowers are green/ weak or lack of flowers; in general it can be caused out of improper fertilizing. Also it’s sensitive to chemicals such as fluoride in tap water which can cause turning the leaf edges brown.

Peace lily adapts specially to interior environments and is a low maintenance house plant. It’s blooms last for two months or more while after the bloom fades there will be a period with no blooms.


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